2025 NSW Term Dates
Term 1 Friday 31st January - Friday 11th April
(Staff Development Day Friday 31st January, Monday 3rd February, Tuesday 4th February, Wednesday 5th February - Students return Thursday 6th February)
Term 2 Monday 28th April - Friday 4th July
(Staff Development Day Monday 28th April, Tuesday 29th - Students return Wednesday 30th April)
Term 3 Monday 21st July - Friday 26th September
(Staff Development Day Monday 21st July - Students return Tuesday 22nd July).
Term 4 Monday 13th October - Friday 19th December
(Staff Development Day Monday 13th October students return Tuesday 14th October. Students Finish Friday 19th December)
School Hours
First bell is 8.55am (Line up with teacher) Class begins at 9.00am
Home bell is 3.00pm
Uniform Shop
Opening Hours: Friday 8:45am - 9:15am
Class Resouces
This year we are again asking for $50 per child to go towards your child's class resources for the year. This pack will provide your child/ren with consistent and quality stationery and art resources for the year. Discounts apply for second and third child in a family.