Beresfield Public School

Live and learn in a caring, supportive environment.

Telephone02 4966 1146

Our staff

Get to know our school staff. We're all here to help.

Our professional, university-educated teachers encourage students to develop a love of learning and a desire to succeed. They maintain the highest integrity and concern for your child’s wellbeing.

The principal is responsible for the educational leadership and management of our school. If you would like to speak to the principal, please contact us to make an appointment.

Our school administrative staff can answer inquiries or direct you to the appropriate staff member for help.

Our Staff for 2025

Mrs Christie Walandouw  - Principal

Mrs Dianna King - Deputy Principal Explicit Teaching 

Mr Owen Todhunter  -  Assistant Principal Wellbeing 

Mrs Gwen Haynes - Assistant Principal Curriculum & Instruction 

Mrs Amanda Oliver - Assistant Principal Curriculum & Instruction 

Ms Mikaela Vermeulen - Assistant Principal

Miss Stefani Hainsworth - Assistant Principal 

Mrs Rechelle Glasson - Assistant Principal - Support 

Miss Erin Staniland - Assistant Principal 

Ms Chantel Whitehouse - Wombats 

Mr Paul Mantle  -  Meerkats

Ms Mikaela Vermeulen - Vicunas

Ms Heather Bennett - Brumbies 

Ms Belinda Ward - Wallabies

Mrs Christine Evans - Echidnas

Miss Sarah Dunkley - Dingoes

Mr Michael Gabrielides - Galahs 

Ms Jessica O'Brien - Otters

Miss Erin Staniland - Sloths

Mrs Jayde Kernahan - Kingfishers

Ms Sarah Gallagher - Giraffes

Mrs Rechelle Glasson - Geckos 


Support Staff                                Learning Support 

Mr Michael Edwards                      Mrs Helen McEnearney

Mrs Veronica Hodgson                  Mrs Karlene Frappell

Mrs Kayla Sanga -                          Miss Lesley Farley             

Miss Leah Morgan - RFF                Miss Aleah O'Brien  

Mrs Melissa Smith - Library           Ms Samantha Oddy 

                                                          Miss Agnieszka Pawlik       

                                                          Miss Amanda Irwin   

                                                          Ms Mary Elder                                                                  

Counsellor - Miss Emily Coutts   Mon & Friday

Chaplain -  Mrs Natalie Finn  Mon & every second Friday 


Office Staff

Mrs Stephanie Chappell - Business Manager 

Mrs Jaimie Rennex  - Admin Manager 

Mrs Anna Zorba - SAO 

Mrs Sara Neate - SAO: Library Mon; Office Thurs & Fri


General Assistant

Ms Angela Waters 

Our Staff